CP advised client on proposed condominium and townhouse redevelopment strategy and performed environmental and engineering services. Our team conducted Environmental Assessments and Reports, Site Investigations and Remedial Action; Prepared and submitted documents for approval by the NJDEP for the determination of Wetlands; Prepared site plans for proposed condominium and townhouse redevelopment; Site grading, pavement, stormwater management systems, and engineering and Institutional controls to deal with environmentally Impacted media; Assisted with geotechnical services to advise client on subsurface issues; Provided cost estimate services for engineering and environmental tasks; Worked with governmental agency representatives to determine required local, county, and state permits.
Our team prepared redevelopment plans to change a commercial zone to a residential zone for a Condo-Townhouse development; Addressed environmentally impacted media; Provided value environmental and construction assessments and project solutions; Provided environmental, engineering and construction management services for a turnkey package approach.