
Government Projects

Sparta Township – Recreation Maintenance Building Addition

Our firm provided the basis for design as well as the structural design of a new 5,800 square foot addition to the existing Recreation Maintenance Building. Design of the building footings, foundation, floor slab and wind load restraint system were completed in a coordinated effort with the Township DPW. In collaboration with the Township architect, our firm assisted Sparta Township staff in the fast-track design and construction of this much needed improvement.

Sparta Township – Transportation and Drainage Infrastructure

As the Sparta Township Engineer, our firm coordinates with the Township’s DPW in the inspection, ranking, selection, design and preparation of annual roadway restoration and rehabilitation projects. We prepared design and construction documents and coordinated with the Township in the bid and award of annual paving contracts. Sparta Township repairs and maintains the Township’s transportation and drainage infrastructure, which includes the reconstruction/restoration of roadway and public parking lot surfaces by milling and paving and micro surfacing restoration; installation of curbing; and the maintenance, repair or replacement of drainage infrastructure such as inlets and sedimentation/detention basins. In 2020 approximately 9.4 miles of roadway and 2.9 acres of parking lots were restored.

Chugach Industries in Support of Picatinny Arsenal – Replacement of Pipe Supports

Picatinny Arsenal has many areas on the arsenal with centralized heating and cooling systems that serve multiple buildings. The associated piping is supported on steel structures in some of the locations to provide clearance for vehicle passage. One existing support location provided for limited vehicle clearance and was severely damaged by various accidental impacts. Our firm provided a structural re-design of the structural steel supports and foundations. Additionally, the design included the required temporary construction support to maintain the heating and cooling service lines throughout the demolition of the existing damaged supports and installation of new support structures that provided the necessary vehicle clearance and protection of the utilities.

Mount Arlington Borough – Landfill Closure

Our firm, as the Borough Engineer in Mount Arlington, and in conjunction with other Borough professionals, coordinated in the permitting and approval process for the official closure of the Borough’s landfill.  The closure plan included the redevelopment of the formerly active portion of the landfill to a solar field that not only supports green energy initiatives and adaptive re-use of a former landfill, it also provides a financial benefit to the Borough and its residents.

Other Civil/Municipal Services

Site Civil Projects

Site Civil Projects

Solid Waste & Landfill Projects

Solid Waste & Landfill Projects

Parks & Recreation Projects

Parks & Recreation Projects

Dam Projects

Dam Projects



Asset Management Projects

Asset Management Projects