Services/Water Resources

Wastewater Planning Projects

Pike County, PA – Treatment Plant Planning

CP prepared the Act 537 Plan for the private-to-private transfer of sewerage operations between Deerhaven, LLC and PL Utilities, LLC. The Deerhaven plant is currently at the end of its useful life and is in need of significant repairs or replacement. With the proposed development adjacent to the Deerhaven collection system and treatment plant, PL Utilities has proposed the construction of a new treatment facility and collection system. In addition to the flows generated by the proposed development, sewage from the Deerhaven collection system will be conveyed into the newly constructed PL Utilities system and treated at the new plant. As part of this planning effort, CP completed the necessary planning documentation, mapping and coordinated with both the township of Palmyra as well as Pike County to ensure that all documentation was in order and the 537 Plan could be adopted by the township.

Other Water Resources Engineering Services

Water Supply, Treatment and Storage Projects

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Water Infrastructure Projects

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Wastewater Treatment Projects

Wastewater Treatment Projects

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Wastewater Infrastructure

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Funding Applications Projects

Funding Applications Projects

Geographic Information Services Projects

Geographic Information Services Projects