Our firm has provided site planning, civil engineering, structural, architectural and mechanical, electrical, plumbing engineering services associated with the development of this new facility in Sussex County. The client is the initial/first commercial facility of its type to be approved in the Highlands Preservation Area. CP has successfully worked with the local authorities, Highlands, NJDEP and other Regulatory Agencies to obtain the approvals. CP has successfully obtained all the necessary permits. The facility consists of approximately 43,000 square feet of commercial operations area with unique MEP and water needs. Other design components included stormwater management, wastewater design, and water well permitting.
CP was hired by Plantabis Dispensary, LLC to provide site planning and engineering services for the remodel of an existing 1,900 SF one-story fast-food structure. Preliminary site plans containing site improvements, were prepared using an existing conditions survey for the application to the City of Rahway Planning Board. Assistance was provided in completing the Planning Board application.
The Borough of Mount Arlington retained CP to provide design, bidding, regulatory permitting and construction phase services for the rehabilitation and expansion of existing recreational trails and trailhead access parking. The design of the new trails was performed in conformance with Morris County Trail Construction Grant Program requirements and the project complied with applicable NJDEP freshwater wetlands and flood hazard area permitting requirements. Bids were received by Mount Arlington, reviewed by CP and the Borough’s legal counsel, with CP preparing the recommendation to award documents. CP provided construction administration and observation services and was the liaison with the local residents on this project.
The Borough of Mount Arlington retained CP to design and coordinate the installation of a dense-graded aggregate (DGA) walking path, with protective fencing, boulder delineation and drainage improvements, at the Fireman’s Field recreation facility. The DGA walking path enhanced an existing paved pathway on site to provide a loop walking path around the entire facility. Access to the walking path is provided at either end of the park from existing parking areas.