Juniata County, PA – Port Royal Municipal Authority – WWTP Upgrade

Juniata County, PA – Port Royal Municipal Authority – WWTP Upgrade

CP partnered with the Authority’s Engineer, cb3 Solutions, LLC to develop the preliminary and final engineering design, prepare bid letting documentation and complete the required permitting for the facility upgrades necessary to ensure compliance with the DEP Consent Order and Agreement (COA). The COA requires that by December 2025, the Authority upgrade their disinfection system and eliminate a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) discharging untreated wastewater into the Juniata River during extreme precipitation events. In a collaborative effort, cb3 and CP prepared the Water Quality Management Permit for the proposed upgrades to the facilities in addition to a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Permit (NPDES) renewal. This work will continue as the PRMA secures PennVEST Funding in combination with DCED/DEP COVID Small Water and Sewer Grant and Federal Grant Funding and moves toward the facility upgrade.

As part of this project, the Authority will be replacing the Chlorine Disinfection system with ultraviolet disinfection. Significant upgrades will also be made to the 1st Street Pump Station – the WWTPs influent pump station. These include installing a larger capacity wetwell that will provide additional equalization to better deal with extraneous high flows into the system. The pump station will be converted into a triplex station with larger capacity pumps sized to pump flows up to 1MGD to the treatment plant