Adams County, PA – Boyd’s Bear Redevelopment – WWTF and Pump Stations

Adams County, PA – Boyd’s Bear Redevelopment – WWTF and Pump Stations

Developed the preliminary engineering design documents, and completed the required permitting for the wastewater facilities required as part of the Boyd’s Bear redevelopment project in Greenmount, PA. The initial work consisted of the design and construction of two pump stations and a 0.150MGD Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) WWTP, with tertiary filtration and UV disinfection. The treatment plant was designed in a modular fashion such that future flows up to 0.300MGD can be treated as additional development on the project site is completed. Prepared the Water Quality Management Permit for the proposed design of the facilities in addition to the initial National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Permit (NPDES).